The French Chinese skiing teenager, Chloe Cornu Wong who lives in southern France, is currently training in the Alps. Her greatest wish is to represent Hong Kong in the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games. Read the Phoenix satelite TV transcript report.

The southern French Alps are blessed with the world's best ski stations. Even during the summer season, professional and amateur skiers can still carry out summer skiing training sessions at a height of 3500 meters.


Her father is French, her mother is from Hong Kong, and the teenager Chloe Cornu Wong is 12 years old. She began skiing from the age of 3. As the level of competition continues to increase, her ski skills improve and obtain good results. Chloe Cornu Wong's greatest wish is now to represent Hong Kong and participate to the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games.

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Kuang Ximin

I am very honored because I hope to be able to represent my mother's hometown (Hong Kong) and participate to the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games.

The Hong Kong Ski Association has now formally sent a letter confirming that Chloe Cornu Wong will represent Hong Kong in various world ski competitions, including the Winter Olympics.

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Hong Kong Ski Association official invitation letter

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Chloe Cornu Wong mother Huang Bixi

For a child, at the age of 12 she knew that she was very fond of this sport, wants glory for Hong Kong, I really feel proud of her.

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Chloe Cornu Wong's Ski Professor Leibo

We will get Chloe into a dense training and competition agenda, so that her ski skills improve substantially. She can on behalf of Hong Kong  participate to various high level skiing competitions. It is really fortunate. We should take advantage of this great opportunity. We will organize everything so can compete in the greatest possible form.

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 If all goes well, Ms Chloe Cornu Wong will be the first female skiing athlete from Hong Kong, China, to run for Hong Kong in the future and to participate to the world-class ski competitions and the Winter Olympic Games.

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Transcript from a Phoenix Satelite TV report. Translated by Chris Clavel for WebSamba MC.